We are celebrating glorious 25 years anniversary of our company

Tracking Systems

Ex: 12345

Fuel Surcharge

Vendor or Career Fuel Surcharge %
DHL 39.50
FEDEX 41.00
UPS 39.00

EURO EXPRESS Connects You To The World

Euro Express Customer(EEC) Service FAQs:

EEC has always been committed to customer care and service providing a tailor made service as per the needs and providing the highest level of service and reliability at all times.

When will my shipment be delivered? How can I keep a track of my shipment?

www.euroexpr.in tracking will provide an updated information on your shipment location from one transit point to another and also update the expected date of delivery. EEC can provide a proactive confirmation upon delivery of shipment on website or by email, phone, whatsapp or SMS, whichever is more convenient for you.

What payment methods can I use ?

We recommend you to get an account/contract signed with EEC, if you ship frequently. This gives a benefit of the best price. You can pay in CASH, through GPAY, scan QRCODE, Net Banking, banker’s draft or banker’s pay order.

How do I get compensated for a loss/damaged shipment that is undelivered, or was damaged?

If your shipment is undelivered within a specified time limit, please contact our customer service with the exact details. We will try our best to locate the shipments at all transit points and if we are unable to locate the shipment, our customer care executive will inform you of the same in order to file a report/claim for the lost shipment. Please note that damage to goods in transit is frequently the result of inadequate packaging and cannot be compensated. So we advise you to provide a good packaging to your valuable shipments.

What is the maximum weight and size of package that I can send?

The maximum weight for any single piece shall not exceed 28 kgs. However the total weight of any shipment can be even 100 kgs or more. Also, a prior information about heavy shipments above 50 kgs is advisable so that we can handle your shipments with utmost care and safety. Take care that none of the dimensions of any side of the shipment should exceed 120 cm.

Will I have to pay any custom duties at the time of shipping of my goods?

Any customs duties levied at any point of transit, will have to be borne by the consignee. In case consignee refuses to pay, shipper automatically becomes liable to pay for that.

Can I also use the services of EEC to import some products from overseas ? Will there be any import duty on the items that I order for import?

EEC does provide you an import facility from anywhere in the world. However, the duty implication depends on the type of commodity and the value of the goods. If customs impose duty, EEC will pay this is first instance, however it is to be paid by you at the time of delivery of goods.


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